Please send us your contact information so that we may add you to our resident database. By clicking the link provided below, you will email Carl Bortol. Carl will add your name, address, lot number, phone number(s) and information regarding your children to the West Shores Neighbors Only contact page. Thank you!
Email CarlWelcome to West Shores! Becoming a resident of West Shores is very exciting...there is alot to learn about, many new people to meet, questions to ask, parties to attend and so forth!
The Neighbors Only section of this website should be very helpful in acclimating you to this new way of life. In addition to finding helpful information there, you may want to visit with your Cove Captain. A list is provided below for your convenience. To locate your Cove Captain, look for your lot number in the second column of the Cove Captain PDF file.
We look forward to properly welcoming you to the neighborhood!