Minimum Finished Sq. Ft.: Ranch - 2,000 Sq. ft. finished on Main Level
Requirements Pointe Lots - 2,500 on Main Level (5 lots per Pointe)
1 1/2 Story - 2,400 Sq. ft. finished on Main two levels Pointe Lots - 2,800 on Main two levels (5 lots per Pointe)
Two Story - 2,400 Sq. ft. finished on Main two levels
Pointe Lots - 2,800 on Main two levels (5 lots per Pointe)
Design Review Board (DRB): TPK and Assoc.
7561 Main St. Suite 421
Omaha, NE. 68127
Submissions must include: DBR fee is $250.00, made out to TPK & Associates
Construction Impact Deposit is $2,500.00, made out to West Shores HOA
2 - complete sets of plans
Exterior details of elevation, materials used for siding, cover of foundation (on all four sides of home), roofing description and color. Please consult pages 3, 4, and 5 of your covenants for details. (Silt fence must be installed prior to excavation)
Paying SID Fee Laughlin, Peterson, and Lang, Attorneys at Law
11718 Nicholas St.
Omaha, Ne. 68154 330.1900
Pay to SID No. 453 Cost: $1450.00
Permits and Inspection Omaha City Offices of Permits and Inspection
1819 Farnam St., Omaha, NE 68183
City County Building 444.5350
Please Note: The City of Omaha will not approve any plan
unless the SID fee of $1,450.00 has been paid and receipt supplied to the City by applicant.
Materials allowed at West Shores: Roofing: Minimum pitch allowed is 6’/12’ or as approved by DRB. Please consult page 4 of your covenants for details.
Types allowed: Wood cedar shingles or shakes, slate, tile, simulated shakes, or composition asphalt shingle of not less than 360 lbs./square.
Siding: Wood or Concrete (Hardi-plank) lap siding, E.F.I.S. or Stucco, Stone or Brick Vinyl, and Steel siding of a low sheen finish, all of which must be approved by the DRB.
Colors: Earth Tones
Driveways: Concrete, brick, paving stone, or laid stone only
Erosion Control Requirements:
1. The upper 12 inches of the building portion of each lot is topsoil. This topsoil, in areas to be disturbed by construction, is to be carefully removed and stockpiled for redistribution after construction is complete.
2. All grades from the front line of the residence must drain to the street.
3. Erosion control must be maintained during the construction period and until vegetation is established on the lot, to avoid run off of excavation and lot grading material into the lake. A silt fence must be installed at the rear of the Lot along the beach line, and must be maintained during construction.
4. Water Front/Beaches – If the lake bottom depth approximately 30’ out from the lot line has been decreased because of run off “erosion”; it is advisable to excavate via a backhoe prior to house construction. (We recommend using Dan Landen for excavating at West Shores, you may contact him at 670.1514.) This material can be used as backfill or trucked off. This is critical especially if building on a lot that has homes constructed on either side.
5. The first 40 feet of the rear lot line from the waters edge must remain in sand. Beach elevation has already been established on each lot. If you want to bring in different sand for your beach, you must excavate the same amount of sand, from the beach, as what you will be hauling in. You must maintain the current beach elevation! No Blow Sand. Screened sand is recommended.
6. All rear down spouts should be discharged into an underground pipe to the water’s edge.
7. Any type of wall or terrace installed to minimize beach erosion must be at least forty (40) feet from the rear Lot line. (No railroad tie retaining walls are permitted.) It is advisable to provide a rear yard drainage system, in front of your beach wall and steps, to collect rain water and tie it into the downspout discharge system to the lake itself. This system will further prevent any beach erosion from run off from your rear yard area.
8. No excavation material shall be spread across any Lot in such a fashion as to change the grade, contour or drainage of any Lot.
General Requirements:
1. Any and all concrete waste from concrete trucks, etc., must be discharged on the same lot as being built on.
2. The use of an adjacent lot for storage of equipment, vehicles, or excavation is prohibited. Contractors must drive on or use their lot only. Any destruction to a neighboring lot will be charged to the Builder and/or Homeowner.
3. Trash must be contained in the receptacle(s) so not to blow out due to overfilling. If it does, it is the Builder’s responsibility to pick it up.
4. No overhead doors on the rear of the house facing the lake will be allowed.
Water Service Information
Sanitary and Improvement District 453 of Douglas County, Nebraska provides public water service for domestic use and fire protection to all Lots. The water supply is obtained from the Village of Waterloo, who in turn is provided treated water from Metropolitan Utilities District. Typically the water main is located along the front lot line of each lot and connection is made directly to the water main. Some Lots do not have the water main along the front property line and a service line has been already extended to a water curb box within the Lot. This curb box is typically 10 feet into the lot from side lot line and 25 feet in from front lot line nearest the left front lot corner looking from the house to the street. As-Built plans are maintained at the offices of Thompson, Dreessen, and Dorner, Inc. that show the location of the curb box with respect to this property corner.
A permit for connection to the water system is to be obtained from SID 453 Douglas County, c/o James Lang, Attorney (402.330.1900). Capital Facilities Charges need to be paid to the Village of Waterloo. Specific connection and service details are to be obtained directly from the Village of Waterloo at 779.2292. Their office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Monday - Friday.
A remote reader, for your water meter, must be installed. It is best to install the wiring for a remote reader during the rough-in period.
Natural Gas Service Information
Natural Gas Service is provided by Black Hills Energy 888.890.5554. The natural gas main is located within the street right-of-way. Specific connection and service details are to be obtained directly from Black Hills Energy.
Telecommunication Service Information
Telecommunication service is provided by Cox and Qwest Communications. Underground telecommunication lines are located within the street right-of-way. Specific connection and service details are to be obtained directly from Qwest Communications.
Cable TV Service Provider
Cox Communications. Call Cox for cable service and telephone availability 933.3000.
Electrical Service Information
Electrical service is provided by Omaha Public Power District (402) 536.4131. Underground electrical lines are located within the street right-of-way. Specific connection and service details are to be obtained directly from Omaha Public Power District.
Lawn Care Information
RTF Fescue is probably the best type of grass for lake lawns. It spreads, it is disease resistant, and it doesn’t require as many chemicals as bluegrass does.
When you fertilize your lawn, you must use a fertilizer that does not contain phosphates. Phosphates do not deplete or breakdown, so they will leach into the lake and cause “algae problems”. On a typical bag of fertilizer, there are three separate numbers. The middle number is the amount of phosphate in the bag, so it should read “0” or “00”.
Sanitary Sewer Grinder Pump Station Information
Sanitary and Improvement District 453, Douglas County, NE provides sanitary sewer service to all the Lots. The sanitary sewer system for West Shores is a “State-of-the-Art” pressure sewer system that collects wastewater from each individual residence and transports it to the Village of Waterloo Wastewater Treatment Plant. It is different than a normal gravity sewer system in that each residence is to have a grinder pump station located in the rear yard. This grinder pump station (owned by the homeowner) provides the pressure needed to transport wastewater from the residence to a sanitary sewer lift station, which in turn pumps the wastewater to Waterloo. This type of system is very reliable if normal precautions are taken to keep inappropriate materials from entering the system. Sanitary and Improvement District No. 453 of Douglas County has contracted with a licensed operator to maintain and operate the sanitary sewer lift stations and main lines.
The grinder pump system will not operate if electrical power is disrupted. Care must be taken to avoid discharging wastewater to the system when the grinder pump is not operational due to a power outage. Wastewater backup into the house’s lowest level may result from such a situation. Materials that are considered to be unsuitable for disposal in the sewer system are coffee grounds, cooking fats, wet-strength towels, disposable diapers, facial tissues, feminine products, and cigarette butts. Disposal of “hard” or “tough” items such as bones will shorten the life of the grinder pump and may cause a failure of the system.
The connection point to Sanitary and Improvement District 453, Douglas County, collection system is typically 10 feet into the lot from side lot line and 25 feet in from front lot line nearest the right front lot corner looking from the house to the street. A capped 1.5-inch PVC line exists at that location. A buried sewer valve is located approximately 10 feet closer to the street. A steel fence post buried about 6 inches below grade marks the valve location. As-Built plans are maintained at the offices of Thompson, Dreessen, and Dorner, Inc. that show the location of the valve with respect to this property corner of every lot.
The grinder pump station is to be installed in the rear yard near the right rear corner of the residence when looking toward the street. The discharge line is expected to be located along the right side of the Lot to the connection point location described above.
A permit for connection to the sewer system is to be obtained from SID 453 Douglas County, c/o James Lang, Attorney (402.330.1900).
The pressure sewer system design requires that the system equipment meet the following minimum requirements: Voltage and Amps: 230 Volts Single Phase Start Amps @ 44 amps/Running Amps @12 amps
Grinder pumps:
Total Dynamic Head, feet
Flow Rate
Pumping Chamber Inlet Pipe Elevation: 1118.50 ± USGS
Pumping Chamber Storage Volume: 110 gallons
Minimum Depth of Cover for Discharge Piping: 4 feet
High Level Alarm (Located per Homeowner Preference)
Discharge Piping: 1.5 inch SDR 21 PVC
A Myers Model WG20 – 2 Horsepower Simplex Grinder Pump Basin Package equipped with a retractable control panel system is the preferred equipment for this system. This equipment is available from Hutcheson Engineering Products Inc., 6405 John J. Pershing Drive, Omaha, NE (402) 455.2000. A list of equipment for the grinder station is included with this document as well as a typical installation drawing.